Eight Reasons to Buy a Camping Storage Box

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If you’re planning to venture into the outdoors, having the right camping storage boxes and gear can be the difference between a successful trip and one you’d sooner forget about. Although it might not be glamorous or high-tech, storage is one of the most essential and overlooked pieces of camping gear and one that can m

In this article, we’ll look at eight reasons why you need to invest in an Expedition134 camping storage box and how they can support your next adventure.

1. You Can Tie It Down & Still Access the Contents

Expedition134 storage boxes are the first in the industry that allow you to access their contents without having to take them off your roof-rack or pull them out of the boot. While most storage boxes are designed to have their tie-downs pass over the lid, Expedition134 storage boxes have tie-down points at each of their four corners, allowing you to open the lid while keeping them secured in place.


Camping Storage Box

This design decision also stops the lids from carrying unnecessary tension when used to secure the boxes in place. 




2. Tough & Durable: 120kg Weight-Rating

In addition to their intelligent design, Expedition134 storage boxes are built with durability in mind for tough conditions. With a whopping 120kg rating, you can have confidence that your Expedition 134 storage boxes are up to the task. Use them for a spare seat around the fire or a step up onto the roof, or a table for around camp. Having a storage box designed for multiple functions around camp is practicable and useful.

Constructed entirely from a durable, UV-resistant plastic, Expedition 134 storage boxes have no metal components whatsoever, meaning no annoying rattling when you’re on the road and no rusty hinges to take them out of action. Perfect for high-salt environments, you can take your boxes up and down the coast, through rivers, estuaries, marshes and lagoons without a care in the world.

3. Foam Weather Seal: Keep Out Dust & Weather

Australia’s red dust is impossible to avoid, and while you may not be able to keep it off your vehicle you can keep it out of your possessions. Every Expedition 134 storage box is fitted with a heavy-duty foam gasket, creating an weather proof and dust-proof seal that will keep your gear safe from the elements.

4. Lockable to Keep Your Possessions Secure

There would be no point to making Australia’s best storage box if any two-bit thief could just wander up and pinch what’s inside, which is why we’ve designed our storage boxes to be lockable. Each of the three latches has a point to attach a padlock, so you can leave your vehicle safe in the knowledge that your gear is secure.

Camping Storage Box





5. Designed to Stack On Top of Each Other

As adventurers ourselves, we’ve considered every detail of the design of our storage boxes, and that includes how they fit together. Whether you’re on the road or at home, it’s easy to stack your storage boxes thanks to the matching patterns on the lid and bottom of each box that lock them together and prevent them from sliding around.

Camping Storage Box



6. Food-Grade Plastic is Safe to Store & Share

Every Expedition134 storage box is made from UV-stabilised food-grade plastic, making it safe to store dry food goods and share your food straight from the box without concern of contmination.

7.  6 Colours to Suit Your Style or Colour-Code

With multiple colours to choose from, it’s easy to find an Expedition 134 storage box to suit your style. Better yet, our options make it easy to colour-code your storage so you can find exactly what you need when you get to your destination without having to rifle through every box.

Upgrade Your Next Adventure with Expedition134

There’s no limit to the ways you can use Expedition134 storage tubs. From 4WD and camping trips to tool storage and disaster preparedness, our range of rugged storage tubs lets you protect your gear from the elements and secure your possessions against whatever life throws at you.

Browse our selection today and upgrade your next adventure with Expedition134!